I’ve got a recipe for you today that checks all the boxes:⁠

🥑 It’s delicious⁠
🥑 It LOOKS good (they say you eat with your eyes first!)⁠
🥑 It’s simple⁠
🥑 It’s filling ⁠
🥑 You can make it ahead of time⁠
🥑 You can make it plant-based OR add canned tuna to up the protein content⁠
🥑 It only has 5 ingredients⁠

And you don’t have to do any actual cooking!⁠

Easy Avocado Chickpea Salad⁠
(serves 2-3)⁠

✅️ 1 x 14 oz/400 g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed⁠
✅️ 1 medium ripe avocado, peeled, pitted, and mashed⁠
✅️ 1 cup/150 grams cherry tomatoes, halved⁠
✅️ Juice of 1 medium lemon juice⁠
✅️ Handful of fresh cilantro, chopped⁠
✅️ Optional: 5 oz/150 grams of canned tuna in water, drained⁠
✅️ Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste⁠

In a mixing bowl, combine the mashed avocado with the lemon juice. Stir in the chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, and tuna if using. Toss in the cilantro. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and black pepper. Eat and enjoy!⁠

Make-Ahead Tip: You can prep the chickpeas (or tuna), tomatoes, and cilantro in advance. Just add the avocado and lemon juice when you’re ready to eat. This will keep 2-3 days in the fridge.⁠

Tag me at getactivept if you try this recipe 👩‍🍳⁠

Get Active

PS: One of the most overlooked factors in reaching your goals is accountability and support. Our Personal Training Program has plenty of both, not to mention a complete roadmap that will help you lose weight, sculpt lean muscle, and get your energy back without feeling deprived in just six weeks without revamping your entire lifestyle. Book a call below to get started!