Do you find it easier to eat right at home, compared to at a restaurant, where it’s so easy to overeat?
- The waiter brings the bread basket when you sit down.
- The menu is full of heavy entrees and irresistible desserts.
- Even the salads are loaded with tons of non-salad items!
But here are some simple steps to build a healthy, delicious meal when you’re out to eat.
- Just say no to the bread basket or tortilla chips placed on your table before you’ve even looked at the menu.
- Order mostly vegetables.
- If ordering some kind of meat, start with fish and work your way up to poultry and then lean beef, and limit yourself to a reasonable portion. For some reason, restaurants want to bring us three times as much as we need.
- Go for raw, steamed or broiled instead of fried.
- Avoid heavy sauces and cheeses, plus added butter, salt, sugar, mayonnaise and heavy dressings.
- Ask how items are prepared, and if you don’t like the answer, make a special request.
- Share a dessert, or skip it altogether.
- Watch your alcohol consumption, even wine.
- Drink water throughout the meal.
You can do all of this without being a high-maintenance killjoy. And you’ll go home feeling so much better about the experience!
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