It’s funny about the holiday season. It’s the one time of the year when everyone looks back on the recent past – while also looking ahead to what’s right around the bend.
Will you look back in frustration and disappointment? Or will you be pleased with how you’re making the most of your life?
It’s easy to take these questions defensively and think, “Hey … I had a hard time.”
But I don’t ask them as an accusation. I ask them to steel your determination and your focus.
Are you putting off pursuit of the life you want? Or are you making it happen?
If you didn’t move closer to your dreams in 2022, then get your mind straight for chasing them in 2023.
And if you did have a progressive year, then pat yourself on the back – and then stop and think about what worked that you can repeat… or what little changes you can make for even greater advancement.
Whatever you do, PLEASE don’t take this as an opportunity to beat yourself up over mistakes or regrets. Take strength from your victories and your disappointments. They are all learning opportunities to guide you to where you want to be – this time next year and all throughout your lifetime.
Never failures, always lessons.
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