Want to know what really bugs me?
It’s the scarcity mindset. You know, when people say things like:
- “I don’t have enough time…” to work out, eat right, or pay attention to their loved ones.
- “I don’t have enough money…” to exercise, shop wisely or help others.
- “I don’t have enough energy…” to get where I’m going.
Want to know what I absolutely love?
When people take the opposite approach and embrace the abundance all around us. When we accept daily life gives us the exact amount of time we need. When we make decisions based on what we want and then take actions to get it.
So, if you’re one of these “I don’t have time/money/love/energy/winning lottery ticket/magic unicorn” people, then please open your eyes to all the richness in your life, to all the possibility before you, and to all the power that comes when you make the most of what you have.
Start where you are. Do what you can. And always be grateful.